Task 1 (6) Initial Ideas For A New Film Magazine

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What does the cover look like?

On the cover page of the magazine they have big bold writing that attracts people to come and read it, for example in "Total Film"  they highlight the words that would generally attract people to come and read the newspaper such as '' Blade Runner 2049'' and "Film". The front page also has attractive but plain colours and they also enlarge them to draw in an audience. 

What is featured on the cover page?
Image result for total film magazine
The cover page features a lot of information on it such as the publishing date, name of the magazine, the name of the films pictures of the films' protagonists. Having the more interesting subjects enlarged on the page invites an audience to read the magazine. For example, The latest movie Blade Runner 2049 is in much larger text than Stephen King's It as that is older and has less of a  buzz around it.

Does it have a centre page spread?

Yes it does have a centre page spread, this allows more  information to be covered in a large area than just having to put it all on one page, this allows larger writing which allows the reader to feel as if they're not reading as much information, therefore they feel like they are only reading what they want to read.

Does it have interviews?

Yes it does have interviews inside of it. Including interviews of film companies, actors and directors.There aren't many contests for readers but there are a few such as winning  a holiday abroad or a car.There are multiple film reviews inside of Total Film such as the latest films and pictures.     


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